You can find information, emotional support and practical advice, through this site and by calling our 24-hour helpline. If you’d like to talk with someone face-to-face, you can also call in to the Family Assistance Centre, in central London. Assistance is available for everyone affected by the London bombings of the 7th July

First anniversary of London bombings

Marking the first anniversary

A national two-minute silence will be held at 12 noon this Friday, 7th July 2006. Members of the public are also invited to attend a commemorative event at Queen Mary's Gardens, in London's Regent's Park from 6pm.

Help and support

Recently many people have contacted the centre for the first time. Many are concerned about a renewed state of anxiety as we approach the first anniversary of the London bombings.

We are very aware of the strength of feelings that may be evoked by the anniversary, the events being held in recognition of those who lost their lives and those whose lives have been effected by the experience.

If you feel it would be helpful to talk about your feelings, or if we can be of any assistance, remember that we are here to support you in any way we can.

Visit us - the centre will be open as normal seven days a week so please do feel free to visit us, just give us a call to let us know when you’d like to come.

The helpline will continue to be manned seven days a week with an answerphone service at night. However, over the anniversary period the helpline will be manned 24 hours a day from Wednesday 5th July – Monday 10th July inclusive.

7th July Assistance - News archive
7th July Assistance - Coping With Crisis
7th July Assistance - Contact others affected
7th July Assistance - Financial help, advice and support
7th July Assistance - Government Support
7th July Assistance - A permanent memorial
7th July Assistance - Online Resources



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