You can find information, emotional support and practical advice, through this site and by calling the helpline. If you’d like to talk with someone face-to-face, you can also call in to the 7th July Assistance Centre, in central London. Assistance is available for everyone affected by the London bombings of the 7th July

Government support

The Government’s response to the London bombings has involved many different departments and agencies. See below a list of the main central government departments you might be in touch with.

Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)

The department responsible for the planning of memorial services, anniversary events and permanent memorials, as well as the home department of Tessa Jowell, Minister for Aftercare. Tessa Jowell was formally appointed by the Prime Minister to be the lead minister in ensuring that aftercare services are delivered quickly and effectively to all those affected by major incidents. The minister works with all the relevant Government departments involved in aftercare, and is responsible for improving the Government’s humanitarian response and aftercare provision in the future.

Department for Communities and Local Government

Responsible for London’s regional resilience team and the country’s fire service, DCLG supports local government authorities to ensure that, following incidents, support services are in place and available to residents.

Department of Health

Responsibility for hospitals and the ambulance service, local health authorities and patient care, as well as psychological support and counselling services around the country.

Home Office

The lead department on policing and terrorist incidents within the UK, the Home Office is also responsible for UK compensation (Criminal Injuries Compensations Scheme), and support for all UK victims of crime. The Home Office provides funding to Victim Support, which operates regional support services around the country.

Department for Work and Pensions

The department can give advice on social security benefits, pensions and child support matters. Anyone needing advice on such matters should contact their nearest DWP office.

7th July Assistance - Coping With Crisis
7th July Assistance - Contact others affected
7th July Assistance - Newsletters
7th July Assistance - Financial help, advice and support
7th July Assistance - Government Support
7th July Assistance - Commemorative websites
7th July Assistance - A permanent memorial
7th July Assistance - Online Resources
7th July Assistance - News archive



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