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Plans to mark first anniversary of London bombings announced

A nationwide two-minute silence will be held at noon on 7th July 2006, followed by a commemorative event in Regent's Park, in memory of those killed in last year's London bombings, the Culture Secretary, Tessa Jowell, announced today.

A permanent memorial to the victims of the attacks will be created in Tavistock Square. Work will begin shortly on detailed plans for the memorial.

The commemoration and memorial are being organised by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) on behalf of the families of those who died and the survivors of the attacks.

The open air commemorative event will be held in Queen Mary's Gardens in Regent's Park in the early evening. It will bring together the bereaved families, many of those who were injured and Londoners in remembrance. The centrepiece of the event will be a reading aloud of the names of the 52 victims of the atrocity.

This will be framed by music, readings, and songs performed by the London Community Gospel Choir. During the course of the day, members of the public will be invited to place individual flowers to help create a giant 'flower mosaic'. Families and survivors will complete the mosaic at the end of the service, as a symbol of remembrance and renewal.

The permanent memorial in Tavistock Square will be created in a specially designed garden on the side of the square closest to the scene of the attack on the bus. DCMS is working with the bereaved families to create what will be a lasting memorial to the terrible loss of life, but also a place of strength, dignity and hope.

If you would like to share your views on how to mark one year since the bombings, With your consent, we will share your thoughts with the organisers.

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